Hello to all my beloved reader,

How are you? Hope everything is okay. So, can I share something today? Thank you so much for your willingness to read my blog.

Alright, today I’m very interested to discuss with you regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI). Did you know what AI is? Okay, sound like jargon word right, actually when we said the word Artificial Intelligence, many people claim that they have heard about it, but they are unclear on what is the real meaning of AI, it is true? Okay, never mind you can leave your comments, suggestion or any else at the comments space below.

Now, for your information AI actually is an area of computer sciences that focus on the creation of intelligent machines and software that can work and react like humans. In the simple word AI known as machines that act like human. The interesting part is where, computers with AI can do activities which include speech, learning, planning and problem solving.

To make it clear, the simple example of AI is robot. But, don’t limit yourself, robot is not always necessarily having a complete body parts like the human has. The appearance of robot can be totally different from human such as robotic vacuum cleaner, robot alarm clock, robotic pet, robotic chess player and so many more.

                               Source From: https://www.cs.washington.edu/research/ai/


                         Source From: http://www.blogjones.com/WordPress/2005/12/03/


The benefits of AI are first, it able to do everything that has been programmed. Besides, they are emotionless so that they can focus on their task, more efficient and they give us lots of free time to do whatever we want. Next, the best thing is they don’t stop and keep working unless we press stop button to stop it or they need to charge and refueled. It is because, they are machines which no need to sleep compared to human. Besides, they don’t get ill, no need for breaks and they are able to go,go,go!! based on order. But need to be reminded that they need to have maintenance in order to ensure they can give maximum performance. On the other hand, they can be more efficient in doing the job because they can deal with difficult and complex task it is a dangerous one that are currently done by humans.

                                           Audi Piloted Parking

                          Source From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEh7qIon36s

Even though AI gives us lots of benefits but, it also have disadvantages. It is where, as machines it is able to do and perform almost every task and better than us in practically but, the impact is where, they will take up many of our jobs, which then result in masses of people who become jobless and feel essentially useless. Thus, this could then lead us to the issues of mental and obesity problems because less movements. Next, the disadvantage is regarding the human feeling, they are machines with no feeling so they are not able to understand our emotions, lack the sympathy and empathy ability in putting their self to our situations.

My reader, I want to stop here regarding today discussion. But, before I end up my word,  seriously lots of thank you because you give your time to me by reading my blog. I hope you will leave your comment, suggestion or idea for improvement and for sharing moments. Again, thank you so much.

Before that, have fun with the video below...!!

                       Source From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVUDtunr9w0

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