Microsoft Office PowerPoint is one of the Microsoft Office
products. Where, Microsoft office is the software to do the office task for
business people and for officer. Not only that, student and lecturer also use Microsoft
office in convey information, teaching method, presentation and doing the task
or assignment.
I love to talk and I have lots of hobby and some of my hobby
like what I already stated above statement. Yes! In order to achieve my entire
hobby above, I choose and use Microsoft Office PowerPoint as the platform,
tools and technique for me to convey all the information and data to the audience
or people that deal with me. Further study is one of the platforms for me to fulfill
and do my hobby. It is because, during study we need to do the presentation or
talk in front of lecturer and our friends’ right? So, from that we need to
prepare ‘awesome slide’ which can impress and attract audience to listen,
focus, give two way communication and comfortable to your presentation.
Frankly speaking, to me if my PowerPoint slides creative and
awesome!! It may help to boost or increase my level of confident and the most
important it makes me feel happy, proud to be presenter plus comfortable to
present in front of people. Oh, my god! I LOVE to do that!!. That is why I’m
taking business field during my study and of course I’m open up my own
business, because business is one of the fields that we meet people every day
and of course we need to talk much. Besides, in Islam our Prophet Muhammad
S.A.W has mentioned that 9/10 sources of our fortune come from business.
Design creative slide is one of my hobby and I love to do it,
so in order to make me more creative, I try not to depend so much in using the
existing template that already provide in Microsoft Office PowerPoint but, I
love to design my own template which the color and its criteria followed my
taste and preferences. Besides, not only based on my taste and preferences as
my references in designing, I also care about who the person that I need to do
the presentation in front of, is it she or her formal or informal person or
open minded person. Next, environment the place that I want to do the
presentation one of important thing that I am considers. For example, if the
class is full of light and rays then I will use darker background color for my
PowerPoint slide so that, we can create a contrast between the slides and the
environment. PowerPoint Make Easy
Furthermore, by insert suitable and creative shapes, smart
art, chart, clip art, picture and video it is very useful in making our
PowerPoint slide to become attractive and creative plus intelligence. On the
other hand, the size and color of choosing theme fonts must be suitable and can
match with the background slides color. If we use the wrong way, audience may
not able to read our information or data clearly that we put in our PowerPoint
slides. Because I really love to design PowerPoint slides and talks, this hobby
leads me to attend seminars, reading and searching to know more about color.
Here, to all my reader if you have the thing that you love to
do, just do it don’t take so serious on whatever negative comment that people
say about your interest or hobby, because you can be success if you do what you
But, before that let me introduce my mom background, hope you are okay and
happy to read it. My mom, Munah Binti Yakin is already 63 years old and she is
a Baby Boomers generation. She is the youngest daughter from six siblings. Currently,
she is a single mother but not available because of my father already passed
away since year 2006 and now she is a housewife. Besides that, she has eleven children
where I am number ten. So, can you imagine how my mom and dad teach and take care
eleven of us where seven of us are male and the balance are female? And the
good thing is where, Alhamdulillah all of us become a successful and good
person today. See!! Even Though She is Quite Old But She is Still Strong To Play Badminton
Credit to My Beloved Sister Nor Azlina
Credit to My Beloved Sister Nor Azlina
Okay that it,
let us move on to the main story regarding my mom and gadget. Baby Boomers Generation Sources From:
For your
information gadget refers to the mechanical device or tools that can make our
life easier today. For example hand phone, computer, laptop, thumb drive, hard
disk, speaker, ear phone, mouse, MP 4, MP 3 and so many more. Luckily, for
generation Y and generation Z they are generations that live with technology at
the young age. So, with this technology it can make life become easier where,
all activities can be done quickly plus can save time, cost and energy. That means
the exposure toward new technology and if there are any changes regarding the technology,
this generations Y and Z can easily cope with that changes. However, for
generation X and Baby Boomers, new technology and the changes from traditional method
to technological method may bring lots of difficulties and problems to them.
That is why, we can see that any updated gadget especially hand phone such as
from Samsung Galaxy S3 to Galaxy S4 the main focus of target market for Samsung
company is generation Y and Z. It is same goes with the car company today. For
example Myvi car, where, according to Professor Dr. Sariwati my operation
management lecturer at Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) has mentioned that
actually, the younger people is the target market for Myvi car especially for generation
Y. Thus, generation X and Baby Boomers may
take a long time to cope and follow the new trend of technology today in order to
become updated like Y and Z generation. Young Generation Sources From:
The interesting
part is where my mom is one of the Baby Boomers generation. In order to make us
easily contact between each other my brother gave new smartphone to my mom with
the purpose to let her bring the smartphone anytime and anywhere plus we can
contact her anytime we would like to. But, the problems is where she did not
know how to use it even though to press green button for answer the call, red
button to end call and make or reply the message. Before this, she only
familiar with the telephone and public phone, but now, this is the first time
in her life using the gadget tools like hand phone. So, it takes 2 years for my
mom to be familiar and know how to use the smartphone even though every day my
younger brother teaches her to use smartphone. The result is where now, she knows
and able to make a call, to answer and end the call, and to read the message
but, other things and function she still not able to cope with. My mom is so
sweet!! Why? Because, she takes another one more year to be expert in capturing
pictures, see the picture from folder and watching video through the smartphone. Currently, we are going to teach her how to use Facebook, WhatsApp and
WeChat through her smartphone. 100 Year Old Woman Learn To Use iPad
Here, the
thing that I want to convey based on my mom story is where, not everyone know
how to use new technology, new application and new gadget. We, as the lucky
generation and known as IT literacy need to be grateful for this entire advance
environment that we have. So, I encourage to all my reader which expert in
using gadget and technology to try to help your family if you have family
members that did not know how to use gadget and new technology. This is not for
my benefit, but this is for all of us because today, technology is very
important and with technology especially gadget it may help us to move forward
besides, we can know and updated with the current situation happened in our
country and outside country. Thus, it may help us to become out-of-the-box and
open minded person like the people in develop countries and not to be like “bagai
katak dibawah tempurung” (this is Malay idiom which refer to people who does
not care about what happened around them). Gadget Everywhere
Did you have
the same experience like me? Please share with me and comments at the comment
box below, insyaAllah we can share knowledge and information together for our
Hi every one, hope you are having a good day today.
“Simple things but we applied every day” that is the topic that
I want to share today. Still have question in your mind??? emm that good for your health (just joke
don’t take it so serious)
I want to discuss regarding Search Engines and Browser. That is why it is called as simple thing but we apply it every day, sometimes without we know what are they actually. I know some of you already know and familiar
with that word and some of you did not know about it and just used it. At least
when you read this blog you get new input, even though just a little input you
get regarding the topic that I want to share today. But, at least you get
something from nothing right?? So, let we move to the discussion below.
to Norzaidi & Intan Salwani (2008), from the book of Intranet and Electronic
Data Interchange (EDI) Usage in Malaysia Port Industry stated that, “A browser
is a program that translates the Internet language, HTML into graphs and texts
that appear on screen. Moreover, browsers are the interface between a user and
the content stored on the network”. Here, in order to make you understand better regarding the browser of course you need the example right? So
the example of browser such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and
so many more.
is very powerful. It is because, before you want to get any data,
connect between each other, get information, sharing or in the simple word
before we want to do any activities that related to the online we need to have
browser. Where, if there is no browser we cannot do lots of online activities. For example, I want to check my examination result, so I decided to use Internet
Explorer as the browser for me to check my result. Public Opinions Regarding Internet Browser
engines is not engines in the car and motors but search engines here refers to the programs
that search documents for specified keywords, and next the result is where we
find document that we search. The good examples for you to get a clearer picture on search engines are like Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Baidu and
in order to get a better result in searching documents or information, it is
advisable to you my reader, to put the keyword or domain name at search engine
in a simple word a familiar keyword. It is because, if you put the wrong
keyword you may not able to find the documents or information that you need, take your time, energy and cost. Even though having search engines make your life
easier, but it also have negative impact if you used in the wrong way. For
example, when you search anything, all of your
activities will be detected and known by the server which later people can know all of your activities. so be careful on what activities
that you search and do in online. Next one is, the search engines may give you the information and links that does not related to the things that you want. This will make you need to sort the information that you want to read or use which sometimes will take lots of your time and energy.
think that all for today's sharing moment, InsyaAllah I will share lots of other things later. So stay with me and don’t forget to follow my blog. Thank you
so much.
are you? Hope everything is okay. So, can I share something today? Thank you so
much for your willingness to read my blog.
today I’m very interested to discuss with you regarding Artificial Intelligence
(AI). Did you know what AI is? Okay, sound like jargon word right, actually
when we said the word Artificial Intelligence, many people claim that they have
heard about it, but they are unclear on what is the real meaning of AI, it is
true? Okay, never mind you can leave your comments, suggestion or any else at
the comments space below.
for your information AI actually is an area of computer sciences that focus on the
creation of intelligent machines and software that can work and react like
humans. In the simple word AI known as machines that act like human. The interesting
part is where, computers with AI can do activities which include speech, learning, planning and problem solving.
To make it clear, the simple example of AI is robot. But, don’t limit yourself, robot is not
always necessarily having a complete body parts like the human has. The
appearance of robot can be totally different from human such as robotic vacuum
cleaner, robot alarm clock, robotic pet, robotic chess player and so many
benefits of AI are first, it able to do everything that has been programmed.
Besides, they are emotionless so that they can focus on their task, more efficient and they give us lots of
free time to do whatever we want. Next, the best thing is they don’t stop and
keep working unless we press stop button to stop it or they need to charge and
refueled. It is because, they are machines which no need to sleep compared to human. Besides, they don’t get ill, no need for breaks and they are
able to go,go,go!! based on order. But need to be reminded that they need to have maintenance in order to ensure they can give maximum performance. On the other hand, they can be more
efficient in doing the job because they can deal with difficult and complex
task it is a dangerous one that are currently done by humans.
though AI gives us lots of benefits but, it also have disadvantages. It is
where, as machines it is able to do and perform almost every task and better
than us in practically but, the impact is where, they will take up many of our
jobs, which then result in masses of people who become jobless and feel essentially useless. Thus, this could then lead us to the issues of
mental and obesity problems because less movements. Next, the disadvantage
is regarding the human feeling, they are machines with no feeling so they are not able to understand our emotions, lack the sympathy
and empathy ability in putting their self to our situations.
reader, I want to stop here regarding today discussion. But, before I end
up my word, seriously lots of thank you because you give your time to me by
reading my blog. I hope you will leave your comment, suggestion or idea for
improvement and for sharing moments. Again, thank you so much.
Okay, let me help you with this. social network is actually an online network where people can socialize. The example of social network are Facebook, Twitter, Blog,
My Space, YouTube or any else than can connect one person to another person and
within one group using online. Social network is very powerful network today because through social network we can share information, transfer data,
communicate between each other even though we are separated by distance. Besides, social
networks really help businessman and businesswoman in boosting their business along with increase their revenue and profit. It is because, through social network
customers and company can communicate between each other faster and through this
network the companies can make advertising or marketing regarding its products
for free or only involved little cost compared doing advertisement through TV,
radio, billboard, newspaper and other traditional marketing method.
I have experience where, my
friend (the name cannot be revealed) already lost her father for 19 years because
of family conflict. Then, last two years she found back her father through
Facebook, sound insane right? But it is really magical right? Another things is
where, I have many friends doing their business through online by using social network,
and the result is where, they get huge demand from customers and of course lots
of profit they have gained. If you did not believe what I’m try to convey it, it
is better for you to try it first. Frankly speaking, I already try it where
currently I’m doing database business with my partners and the result is where,
we got profit every 2 weeks more than RM 5,000.00. Don’t believe it, just try it and you
can feel how the social network can give powerful impact to the users.
I want to share something based on my
previous reading. The fact is where, if you want to do business through online like by using Facebook, it is advisable for you to update your business
regarding your products or services at the peak hour around 12 p.m until 5.00 p.m. Why it is not 8.00 a.m. or 9.00 a.m or other time and why that is the time? It is
because, that time is the time where most people are going to rest or having lunch hour
and after lunch hour they start to not really focus on their work but they tend to
do something else besides of their work such as playing around with Facebook, E-mail, chatting and others. But,
at 8.00 a.m to 12.00 p.m people usually focus on doing their work or task because
it is still early in the morning where their mind fresh. This is really a Malaysian culture, where Facebook is quite famous and normal at the office. Every one love to used Facebook because lots of things can be done through Facebook.
Here, there are lots of benefits of social
network to the users especially for business people. First, it helps to improve
the communication between one person to other person or within group. Where, we are able to be connected with others in just a few seconds even though we separated far far away. Second, it helps to improve efficiency and productivity. Where, we
can connect each other by online, change information and share the data faster and speedier without wasting lots of time and energy. Lastly, it helps to reduce the cost. It is because, for business people if they want to share information and do advertising, they don't have to bear cost of printing which next will reduce the usage of paper save the environment. Besides,
cut the cost, it may also help to reduce distribution cost, where any
information or data can be spread through online
However, everything in this world must have its own good and bad side isn't it. So it same goes with social networking. Where, the negative side of social network is where, the news or negative matters are easily spread in a few seconds. For example, at YouTube some people use it in the wrong way where, they upload unhealthy and immoral videos that can give negative impact to the society like the porn videos, bully videos and crime videos. Next example is where, to whom that is doing the business. For example,
my friends already bought and test the Z++++A product through online purchasing. But next, she is quite dissatisfied and disappointed because the material,
quality, color and size are not the same based on the order that she made. Because of that she tell everyone through Facebook regarding the bad service and
product offered by the company. What happen next is that, people started to believe the story told by her which make them afraid to use that products or services.
Now, I want to give several recommendation to all of my
readers out there. If we decided to use social network as a part in our life, we must be careful when using it. It is because, if we
use it in the right way we will gain lots of benefits. But, if we used it in wrong way it may give negative impact to others and also to our self. However, social
network is the network that can really make our life effective and efficient.
Fuhh!! Quite a long sharing right? Okay I want to stop here.
But, don’t forget to update and follow my next post and give brilliant
comments for me to improve it. InsyaAllah. Thank you and bye2..
I leave you with the awesome video regarding social network..Lets Enjoy!!
Here, I want to say thank you and congratulation! Because you have successfully access to my blog and willing to be here. Reader, all information in my
blog that I’ve shared to you totally based on my experience, my friends' experience, lots of reading and from fact. If I have made any mistake that cause you feel inconvenience, I would like to apologize truly from my heart. I am just a normal person who are not perfect, please do
not hesitated to give any brilliant idea and comments. Thank you very much for
your kindness in visiting my blog and I end my word with lots of appreciation.
Thank you.